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You have been directed to this page because you just submitted one of the following:

A Standard Student Conduct Appeal (all other appeals)

  • An appeal is a request to have a 3rd party review a recent decision by a Student Conduct Administrator or a Student Conduct Hearing Board.
  • The University Student Appeals Board (USAB) reviews all initial appeals. If the USAB upholds a recommended suspension or dismissal, a final appeal may be submitted to the Dean of Students.

Appeal Timelines/Information

  • Sanctions (if rendered) are held in abeyance during the appeals process.
  • Appeals to the USAB are typically resolved within 2-3 weeks.
  • Suspensions and dismissals are subject to approval by the Dean of Students.


  • Appellants may challenge any member of a hearing panel or board for cause*.
  • Members of hearing boards are listed on the Rosters web page.
  • To challenge a member of a hearing panel or board, send an email to

*CAUSE is defined as knowledge of case, or personal or professional relationships with the claimant, respondent, witnesses, or OIE investigator, such that the challenged person would be unable to hear the case fairly and impartially.”